Bangladesh: Blog about boat race


Traditional boat race in Bangladesh is a popular sport of entertainment

Bangladesh is a riverside country and rivers have covered Bangladesh like spider webs. Boat race is a common and traditional sport of entertainment here. Boat race is called NOUKA BAICH in Bangladesh. NOUKA means BOAT and BAICH means RACE. This boat race proves the boatmen’s technique, velour and prowess in giving their boats the maximum race. Most of the area of Bangladesh is rural area and river channels are in every rural area.  In Bangladesh boat race is held mainly rural area by the rural people. When the people organize a boat race a fair is held on the bank of the river and people crowed there for entertainment. The people of Munshigong, Sylhet, Brahmanbaria, Narshingdi, Norail, Magura, Faridpur, Khulna, Dhaka and many other places in Bangladesh are commonly provide this boat race seasonally.

Boat Race
Boat race

List Rules of Boat Race

Very simple rules for boat race in Bangladesh are:

  • 1.      Any type of boat can participate without engine boat.
  • 2.      Each boat can be manned 7, 25, 50 or 100 persons.
  • 3.      Distance between two boats 650 meters.
  • 4.      One leader for each boat who gives direction others to race the boat.
  • 5.      Every boat has different flag to lead their force.
In 1974 Bangladesh Rowing Federation was formed to encourage boat racing and improve local boat race organizations.

Present condition of boat race in Bangladesh

Intrusion of foreign culture and rapid urbanization are making this glorious tradition disappear. Lack of financing this heritage is now facing a threat of extinction. Government, non-government and various cultural organizations should come forward immediately to save this old tradition. Some cultural organizations are involving for treatment and to get the glorious tradition back they are trying so closely with rural people. If Government takes some steps to encourage rural people for the country’s oldest tradition it will be a great event for the world. 


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