War has begun

Ad of 3rd world war

After the first and second world war, the third world war has been begun with some extraordinary secret weapons. Who leads the world says, “War is peace”. North Korea has been declared the war against America. Whole world economy is stand on third world war. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, India, Pakistan stand on third world  war. This world war is not only arranged by man. There are inside alien. 

3rd world war
Alien of the world

World leaders put their ads on the earth for destroying all the animal and natural beauty of life. This is not good for man. This is not good for this earth. Alien who come from another planet they started this war. They provide their worse knowledge, weapons to destroy this world. They have planted some secret weapons on leader’s mind who lead the world economy. Alien secret weapons work and leaders of world are running for war. The world leaders seem that men are insects and to get rid of insects they use secret alien weapons. These weapons can destroy this beautiful world at any time.  We should go against war.


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