Bangladesh: Selfie Politics Running

Selfie politics spread rapidly in Bangladesh

Self and Image build Selfi. Social Media, Electronic Media, Print Media give us scope to ourselves keep in front of people very easily and quickly. Now a day’s selfi is a common matter of life. Some years ago we saw various wall poster, festoon, placard, or such things which are used for political or others related politics or social work advertisement. Now we can reach people with our idea, our products or our various campaigns in our social media profile. In political movement selfi is keeping a great impact on peoples mind and people can know about their political leader very closely. Generally which we see on eyes we don’t forget and so selfi politics is now a special method or special system to reach people for political leaders.


Social Media
like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, pinterest, are now special platform for political leader. In Bangladesh many unknown person are getting busy in Facebook and they keep themselves special on virtual area. As a social media activist I found something exceptional in social media area. Many political leaders are making their social media profile to reach people and those platforms help them to get people close. Some leaders are getting some bad experience from their social profile by some comment from their virtual friends and unknown person. Sometimes we see some unknown person who has no political platform but virtually they are well known and famous person with their virtual political movement and activities. Some are making different sense with their status and comment on virtual world and these activities can change our social and political environment vastly. Electronic Media, Print Media and mostly Social Media are keeping great role to make public awareness in not only political but also social movement in Bangladesh and leaders of different political platforms are taking this advantages from the mentioned media to promote their work for others.


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