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3 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Website 

Nobody wants to spend money on a new website unless it’s absolutely necessary. In fact, many people go to extra lengths to convince themselves their site can continue on for a little while longer.

But is this wise? When is the right time to take the plunge and upgrade a website? According to tech experts, when you see these three signs.

1. Your Website Isn’t Very Responsive

Older websites weren’t really designed to be responsive. Because almost everybody browsed the internet in the same way, sites were built to cater to just a handful of screen sizes.

Ideally, your site should work perfectly on phones, tablets and computers. If it doesn’t, it’s probably time for an upgrade.
2. Other People’s Sites Look Better Than Yours

Fashion is always changing. You only have to watch an old TV show to realize how quickly tastes change. New designs are always being unveiled, and sometimes these designs take the world by storm.

If your site doesn’t look as attractive as other sites, it’s probably because you’re working with an outdated design.

3. Business Has Started to Suffer

If you’ve noticed your business has taken a downturn, your website might be to blame.

Customers are very particular about the businesses and individuals they deal with. If they don’t feel your site is safe or reliable, they won’t buy from you or connect with you on social media.

One of the best advertisements for you or your business is an up-to-date website that works exactly as it should.

To complement your new website, you may also wish to upgrade your logo. Re-branding yourself can be a great way to regain your competitive edge.


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