BULLDOGS FROM BRITAIN a human interest article


Hi there readers I always start on my own blog with I hope that you're doing well and safe where ever you are, firstly thank you to the lovely website owner to allow me this privilege of sharing an article with you in the hope I may find some genuine interest in my story and venture. 

I’ll start with the honest and open part which is I have mental health issues these are filtered from a bad youth and impact my day to day life even now that I’m an adult, this resulted in me losing gainful employment and I started getting quite depressed after.


I was sitting there one day playing with our rescued bulldog scruffy louse when out of the blue an idea just started forming in my head ‘I’m going to start a bulldog collection’! Now at the time I had no idea about this concept what was involved and even where to start, the notion behind my story was to create enough wealth so that my daughter could go to university. 

This brainwave started becoming a reality I started buying what I thought at the time were real gems but if you see the collection from then till now you’ll see just how far I’ve come and those early pieces were just the start of something very big. Nearly a decade on and wow what an adventure I’ve been on so far. 


There’s no sales at www.collectibulldogs.com its a private collection that’s the first of its kind to go online, this is just a first as roll off the achievements we have had so far since our little venture went global. We are at one hundred and fifty thousand on twitter, 2017 saw the worlds first bulldog memorabilia exhibition at Brighton museum England, paper articles radio interviews and our content has even been used on a morning tv program. 

Business wise with the bulldog collection we are now not going down the retail route and will be hoping to create a social enterprise instead where the bulldog collection gets preserved and loaned out for museums events and galleries, this will take a while and as I go by the websites age it’s only been nearly three years. 


Starting from 1835 after the bloodsport ban collectibulldogs will try to obtain pieces past this date and as I’m hoping readers may look at our little site I will not spoil by giving too much away but get ready for a big surprise as the bulldog antiques are of considerable quality and worth lots of money. 

Split into fourteen subsections the collection comprises of porcelain bronzes metals glass books art club as well as from all around the world, there’s so many I do not have a favourite but I am immensely proud of what’s there so far with some amazing pieces complimenting this demographic I stumbled upon. 


As the header suggests I have been so distracted with creating collectibulldogs it’s either made me better within my own mindset or I just forget my woes for a while, I’m open on my own website from A to Z I’m happy to help be part of the movement to dispel and fight the stigma behind mental health. 

I’m a perfect walking example I’m diagnosed with several disorders but have successfully created an Original concept online and single handedly bought back a pastime from the 1970s I even have a group on Facebook and my own following since I started, I don’t think I will stop there’s so much more to achieve and also to hopefully inspire others.


Ok I could go on and on so I’ll tell you a bit about my own bulldog what else I do and then say farewell hoping I’m allowed back again, our bulldog is our second bulldog her name is wiggles and she is seven we have had her four years and she is the face of our website wiggles has a great yet stubborn personality and if she doesn’t get her own way she does naughty things in revenge. 

I work at Brighton museum I help the curators with collections and I totally love my job It’s a far cry from the agoraphobic anxious me from three years ago, I attend the museums art group and blog on behalf of the clients there and I also have blogs submitted to Brighton museum and the first (another first) hobby collector to get an online backlink (museums tend not to do this normally).


Well I hope you liked my first article interesting and some jump over to send the collection we love bulldogs the collection and blogs are all family friendly and there’s two free giveaways which of one I created myself to help others achieve what I have, I normally end with happy collecting but for now I’ll thank the wonderful sites owner again for this prelude and say bye bye and stay safe out there.


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